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Babies and Children

Supporting younger people in their development

Osteopathy for Babies

Osteopaths can treat patients of all ages including new born babies and young children.

Babies undergo a great deal of new stimuli and rapid change as new systems of breathing, digestion and movement are suddenly thrown into action, and as the baby’s body and nervous system learns to adapt to the world.

Gentle Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy techniques can help your baby to relax and settle, which may in turn help with other problems stemming from restlessness or discomfort. An osteopath is also able to relieve patterns of physical tension which can help to sooth and calm babies, and give your baby an osteopathic check-up after birth to identify any potential problems or imbalances. Osteopaths are also trained to screen for medical conditions and  can refer to other health professionals as needed.

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Children and Teenagers

Children can suffer from musculoskeletal issues, sprains and sports injuries in the same way as adults. In teenagers, hormonal changes and growth spurts can also cause discomfort in the body, and the use of electronic devices and social media increasingly causes postural problems in younger people.

Osteopaths are able to treat children and teenagers using a range of techniques, to treat problems directly or to bring the body into better alignment and relieve strain and tension. Osteopaths can also advise where necessary on postural issues, helping to stay healthy and prevent further problems later on.

Osteopath Gavin Smith performing osteopathy at Holland Park Osteopathic Clinic, London

Your First Appointment

At your first appointment your osteopath will ask you about your symptoms, or any difficulties. Your Osteopath will take a full medical history , in babies and young children this will often include questions about the pregnancy and delivery.

Your osteopath will carry out a full physical examination, and then explain findings and any treatment options.

Osteopathy is a gentle and non-invasive therapy so you shouldn’t normally feel any pain during treatment. Your osteopath will explain the treatment they are giving you (or your child), and you will be able to discuss and ask any questions you have as you go along. There will usually be some homework and advice or things parents can do to continue and / or enhance the effects of the treatment at home

Book Appointment

Booking is quick and simple using the booking system below. For very short notice appointments, you can also try us on 07958070680.