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About Us

Effective specialist treatment at our London clinic

A Modern Clinic in the Heart of London

We offer osteopathic treatment at our London clinic, easily accessible from Holland Park, Notting Hill, Shepherd’s Bush, Ladbroke Grove and nearby areas.

We offer effective treatments for a range of symptoms including back pain, headaches, sports injuries and running injuries, sciatica and chronic pain.

At the heart of our approach is an outstanding patient experience and the best in clinical care. We accurately diagnose the root of your problem, and help you get quickly back to full health.

Inside Holland Park Osteopathic Clinic


Osteopathy is a hands-on treatment, which involves mobilisation and manipulation of the joints, stretching and massage in order to bring the body into better alignment and encourage natural healing.

Osteopathy is a holistic therapy that considers the body as a whole. Osteopaths are experts in understanding the relationship between different parts of the body, and getting to the root of your problem in order to provide lasting and effective treatment.

Woman being treated for back pain by osteopath
Man being treated for back pain by osteopath
Woman being treated for back pain by osteopath

Back Pain

Sports Injuries

Running Injuries



Chronic Pain

Conditions Treated

We are able to help with a wide range of symptoms which have their roots in musculoskeletal issues. This includes back pain, neck pain, joint, muscle and nerve pains, and injuries including sports injuries or problems from lifting, driving, housework, etc.

We can also help with chronic pain from conditions such as sciatica, fibromyalgia and arthritis, and with headaches and migraines.

If you’re unsure whether we can help, book a free 15-minute telephone consultation and we’ll be more than happy to advise.

Conditions Treated

We are able to help with a wide range of symptoms which have their roots in musculoskeletal issues. This includes back pain, neck pain, joint, muscle and nerve pains, and injuries including sports injuries or problems from lifting, driving, housework, etc.

We can also help with many chronic conditions such as sciatica, fibromyalgia and arthritis, and with headaches and migraines.

If you’re unsure whether we can help, book a free 15-minute telephone consultation and we’ll be more than happy to advise.

Back Pain

Sports Injuries

Running Injuries



Chronic Pain

Your First Appointment

At your first appointment your osteopath will ask you about your symptoms, when and how you started to feel any pain, and examine any pain areas as well as your general body mechanics and alignment.

Your osteopath will normally be able to give you a diagnosis, explain how many sessions you are likely to need, and proceed to treatment immediately.

Osteopathy is a gentle and non-invasive therapy so you shouldn’t normally feel any pain during treatment. Your osteopath will explain the treatment they are giving you, and you will be able to discuss and ask any questions you have as you go along.

Osteopath Gavin Smith performing osteopathy at Holland Park Osteopathic Clinic, London

Frequently Asked Questions

All osteopaths undergo 4-5 years of training. In the UK it is required that all osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopathic Council who work to ensure that all osteopaths are fully qualified and insured, and undergo regular Continuing Professional Development.

You osteopath will discuss your complaint with you, take a thorough medical history and then perform an assessment in order to make a diagnosis. Following the diagnosis your osteopath will discuss a treatment plan with you and normally proceed to treatment immediately.

Osteopaths are First Contact Practitioners who are trained in the initial assessment of patients, and can refer you for scans or further diagnostic tests if necessary, or for other treatment if osteopathy is not appropriate for any reason.

That depends on  the nature and severity of your condition, and how long you have had it for. Each patient is different and after assessment your osteopath will discuss a treatment plan with you.

Some acute problems can be effectively resolved with two to three treatments, other problems may take five to eight (treatments) whereas some people who have long term complex problems or take part in intense activity such as contact sports may benefit from a more prolonged on-going treatment plan. 

Osteopathy is a gentle and non-invasive therapy and should not normally cause you any significant pain.

There are some techniques that can cause a little soreness post-treatment, and you may also feel discomfort from working on muscles which are already tight and tender. You will communicate with your osteopath throughout the treatment to explain what feels sore or painful, and they will ensure that your treatment is tailored appropriately, or offer alternative techniques if you prefer.

Osteopathy is a hands-on treatment which requires us to examine the movement and function of your joints and muscles, and to provide treatment such as massage and joint manipulation.

As such your osteopath will normally ask you to remove clothing down to your underwear in order to treat you effectively, although depending on your treatment it is normally possible to wear shorts, crop tops or other alternatives. Please contact us to discuss if you have any concerns at all.

Initial session takes up to an hour and costs £65. Follow up sessions are normally 30 minutes and are priced at £55. Extended follow ups are occasionally useful to allow extra time to go over exercise programmes, these are 50 minutes for and cost £65.

Absolutely. Some patients prefer to bring a friend or family member in the room with them, and you’re welcome to do so. Please also note that paediatric patients must be accompanied by a suitable guardian during at all times during their treatment session.

No. You are able to self-refer and book private osteopathic treatment for yourself without consulting your GP. By all means feel free to discuss the benefits of osteopathic treatment with your doctor before booking, and we can also keep your doctor updated on your treatment if you would like us to do so.

Not at all. Although Dry Needling or ‘Western Acupuncture’ is commonly used by osteopaths, there are a wide range of treatment techniques available and your osteopath will not ask you to undergo any form of treatment you are not comfortable with.

Osteopathic treatment is covered by most major health insurances, but we are unable to give specific advice. Please contact your health insurance provider to check what is included in your plan, including the level of fees and number of sessions they will cover.

For general information about osteopathy, take a look at the General Osteopathic Council and Institute of Osteopathy, and you may also like to read the NHS advice on osteopathic treatment.

For further information on your particular case and whether osteopathy can help you, book a free 15-minute telephone appointment and we’ll be happy to discuss your symptoms in confidence and without any obligation.

Book Appointment

Booking is quick and simple using the booking system below. For very short notice appointments, you can also try us on 07958070680.